Characters: Justice League of America [Hawkman [Katar Hol]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; The Flash [Barry Allen]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; The Atom [Ray Palmer]]; Justice Society of America [Black Canary [Dinah Drake Lance]; Sandman [Wesley Dodds]; Wildcat [Ted Grant]; Dr. Mid-Nite [Charles McNider]; Spectre [Jim Corrigan]; Dr. Fate [Kent Nelson]]; Blockbuster [Mark Desmond] (villain); Solomon Grundy [Cyrus Gold] (villain); Anti-Matter Man (villain); Enrichetta Negrini
Synopsis: The ultimate cause of the trouble is revealed to be an experimental space-warp machine of Ray Palmer's assistant. The gathered JLA and JSA hold the Anti-Matter Man at bay until The Atom (Ray) and The Spectre can re-align the two Earths to their proper times and spaces -- The Atom (Ray) turning off the machine, and the Spectre using his enormous magicks to realign the Earths back to their proper spots.